Badger: 0300 555 99 99
City Hospital: 0121 554 3801
Disposal of Sharp Equipment: 0121 303 7805
Health Visitors: 0121 334 0100
Heartlands/Solihull Hospital: 0121 424 2000
NHS Direct: 111
Midwife: 0774 0066 693/0761 345 7273
Primary Care Support England (PCSE): 0300 311 22 33
Single Point of Access: 0300 555 1919
Help to stop smoking:
If you type in your postcode or the service users postcode into the below website you will be able to find their nearest provider:
University Hospital Birmingham: 0121 627 2000
Washwood Heath Urgent Care Centre: 0121 322 4310
Medical Examiner Service for Birmingham and Solihull
“For queries regarding the progress of your case please call the Birmingham and Solihull Medical Examiner Office on 0121 371 6074. The office is open 8am till 4:30pm, Monday to Friday i.e. office hours”
For more information, please see the attached leaflet: